1.The java.util.Map interface represents a mapping between a key and a value. The Map interface is not a subtype of the Collection interface. Therefore it behaves a bit different from the rest of the collection types.
2.when if we want get elements based on some key best choice is Map implementation classes
3.duplicates keys are not allowed but value can be duplicated .if key already
available then old value replaced with new value and return old value.
Each key value pair is called one enterys hence map is a group entery objets .
2.With out existing Map object there is no chance of existing Entery object
because Entery interface defined inside map interface.
interface Map{
interface Entery{
Object getKey();
Object getValue();
Object setValue(Object obj);
Map Implementations:
Since Map is an interface you need to instantiate a concrete implementation of the interface in order to use it. You can choose between the following Map implementations in the Java Collections API:
In my experience, the most commonly used Map implementations are HashMap and TreeMap.
Each of these Map implementations behaves a little differently with respect to the order of the elements when iterating the Map, and the time (big O notation) it takes to insert and access elements in the maps.
HashMap maps a key and a value. It does not guarantee any order of the elements stored internally in the map.
TreeMap also maps a key and a value. Furthermore it guarantees the order in which keys or values are iterated - which is the sort order of the keys or values. Check out the JavaDoc for more details.
Here are a few examples of how to create a Map instance:
Map mapA = new HashMap();
Map mapB = new TreeMap();
1.The underlying datastrusture is HashTable .duplicates keys are not allowed but values can be duplicated .
2.Insertion order is not preserved .
3. Hetrogenous objects are allowed for both key and values
package com.collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
iport java.util.Set;
public class HashSetExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
HashMap<Integer,String> cityCodes=new HashMap<Integer, String>();
cityCodes.put(10, "delhi");
cityCodes.put(20, "hyderbad");
cityCodes.put(30, "chennai");
cityCodes.put(40, "bangalore");
cityCodes.put(50, "kolkata");
cityCodes.put(60, "pune");
//iterating map
for(Integer code:codes){
System.out.println(cityCodes.get(code)+":::city by code");
{50=kolkatha, 20=hyderbad, 40=bangalore, 10=delhi, 60=pune, 30=chennai}
kolkatha:::city by code
hyderbad:::city by code
bangalore:::city by code
delhi:::city by code
pune:::city by code
chennai:::city by code
HasMap and HashTable both are use same method diffrence is
HashTable HashMap
1.Every method in HasTable is synchronized method present in HashMap is synchronized a time
only one thread is allowed to operate on HashTable 2.multiple threads can operate simultaneously hence its
hence it's thred safe. not thread safe
3.relatively performance is low 3.relatively performance is high
it's child class of HashMap it's exactly same as HashMap main difference is it preserve insertion order.
It's also similar to HashMap difference is .in HashMap while adding elements it's check key values using
.equals method whether key is exist or not.
in IdentityHashMap it checks using "==" operator whether key exist or not.
we can replace above HashMap example using
WeakHashMap<Integer,String> cityCodes=new WeakHashMap<Integer, String>();
Methods for both are same difference is in the case of HashMap,even though object doesn't have any external references it's not eligible for garbage collector it it's associated with HashMap ie,HashMap
dominates garbagecollector .
But in case of WeakHasMap even though object associate with HashMap it's eligible for garbage collector
it it's does not contain any references ie,garbage collector dominates WeakHashMap.
1.It's implementation of SorteMap.if you want to represents a group of key value pairs according to some sorting order of keys then we should go for TreeMap.
2.duplicates key are not allowed .
3.Insertion order is not preserved and it's based on some sorting order of keys
4.if we are depending default sorting order the keys should be homogeneous
and Comparable other wise we will get ClassCastException.
5.other wise we can define our own sorting order using Compartor
package com.collections;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class TreeMapExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TreeMap<Integer, String> oceansList = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); oceansList.put(4, "Southern"); oceansList.put(1, "Pacific"); oceansList.put(5, "Arctic"); oceansList.put(3, "Indian"); oceansList.put(2, "Atlantic"); System.out.println("First ocean is::::"+oceansList.get(1)); System.out.println(oceansList);